CMAA NORTH TEXAS LEADERSHIPCMAA Leaders are elected annually and generally serve for one term. If you are interested in serving on a committee or on the Board, send an email to letting them know your interest. |
Board of directorsPRESIDENT Claire Tulloch, CCM - Parkhill VICE PRESIDENT TREASURER Ruthwik Pasunuru, CCM - Program Controls SECRETARY PAST PRESIDENT | committeEsPROGRAMS/EVENTS Ruthwik Pasunuru, CCM - Program Controls Logan Ortiz - LLEAD Services Kristin McElroy, CCM - STV Chris Moreau, CCM - SAM-CS Kevin Thompson - Turner Construction Christine Jacoby - Freese and Nichols Kevin Wilson, CCM - McKissack YOUNG LEADERS Samantha Avila - Jacobs STUDENT OUTREACH & SCHOLARSHIPS | CommitteesOWNER OUTREACH MEMBERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS/ SOCIAL MEDIA Chair: Lucas Frahm - H.J. Russell Mark McElroy - STV Julie Ludeman - HNTB Travis Walker - McCown Gordon Brittany Riland - Projectmates DIVERSITY & EQUALITY TBD LEGAL/LEGISLATIVE CCM